Contract Value: $7,985,000
- Complete demolition and reinstallation of site utilities (sanitary, storm, site electrical, potable water, and fire protection piping), site parking and drives, and site finishes (sidewalks, athletic facilities, and tennis courts) on the 19-acre site
- 20,000 c.y. of cut and dispose
- 18,280 c.y. of cut to fill
- 5,300 c.y. of structure excavation
- 2,230 l.f. of sanitary piping
- 2,875 l.f. of ductile iron water piping
- 9,575 l.f. of HDPE storm piping
- 3,200 l.f. of electrical and telecom ductbank
- 141 stormwater structures (manholes, catchbasins, and yard drains)
- 10,600 l.f. of granite curb
- 40,400 s.f. of concrete sidewalks
- 238,000 s.f. of asphalt driveways and parking lots
- New athletic track and field and tennis courts